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    Happy Pride!

    June is a month filled with so much joy for us at SpaDerma. It starts to feel like summer in Chicago and  the whole city starts to open up in a new way. We also love this month because it is Pride Month!  We are celebrating by reflecting on what Pride means to us and giving back to the LGBTQ+ community. Especially after this past year, we felt compelled to celebrate this month by giving back to the LGBTQ+ healthcare community. 

    Pride from our team!

    Our team feels very passionate about Pride, so here are a few words from the team. Lakeview Aesthetician, Fallon Groh, “ Pride is all about accepting who you are, and being proud of what you stand for. To me pride is saying to the world, ‘this is who I am and I’m proud of it.’”No one should feel ashamed of who they are, and what they stand for. Being yourself is never the wrong thing to do.”

    North Shore Aesthetician Lindsey Gribbens has personally seen how showing your pride for the LGBTQ+ community can change lives, “Pride is about having a community of people who may have been struggling to embrace who they are. One of my closest family members has lived this, growing up hiding and trying to be someone they are not. It’s knowing he has an entire support system allowing himself to be 100% authentic and start showing up for himself without fear of judgment. Knowing he is and always will be loved!” We love this message and we encourage you to always be your authentic self especially when you come through the SpaDerma doors.

    Lincoln Park Manager, Kensli Diggs, explains SpaDerma’s mission and efforts perfectly, “At SpaDerma we are focused on helping our patients feel their most beautiful, most confident selves. Before joining the team I didn't realize how big of an impact aesthetic services can have on our patient's lives. Whether that is tackling stubborn acne brought on by hormonal injections, laser hair removal, or cosmetic injectable treatments that help our patients achieve their desired look; at SpaDerma we take pride in helping all patients on their journey to become their best selves!”

    Thank you for letting us share our Pride and we hope you continue to support us on our mission to bring beauty and joy into everyone’s life this month and always. SpaDerma Rainbow limited edition tote bags are now available here.

    Fallon Groh with SpaDerma Pride Tote!

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